Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Richard Prince II

From November 30, 2012 WSJ on page A22.

The parents of artist Richard Prince worked for the Office of Strategic Services in the Panama Canal Zone before he was born. An article about Mr. Prince on Saturday incorrectly implied that his parents worked for the OSS while he was growing up in the Zone.

(See: "An Artist Amasses A Rare Collection" -- WSJ November 26, 2011)

Connecticut Lottery Story.

Connecticut Lottery Story.
I personally find it strange. I have heard of groups of people buying several tickets at a time, but one person at once? To me it sounds almost as if they figured out how to predict what the winning number is.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Richard Prince article in the Greater New York

The Richard Prince article in the “Greater New York” section of this
past weekend’s Wall Street Journal said that he is 62 years old and
that, “he began collecting baseball cards at age 5 while living in the
Panama Canal Zone, where his parents worked for the Office of
Strategic Services.”However, the OSS was shuttered at the end of the
war, 1945, and the remnants merged into the CIA in 1946. If he is 62
he would not have been five years old until 1954!

Edward Shils

Reading Portraits: A Gallery of Intellectuals.  I am fascinated by who Shils was and how he thought.

New York Deals III

Barnes and Nobel's.
It always  seems worth going in. It makes me feel as if I am providing moral support to literacy. Having said that, what I do look for is the 75% off table that sometimes crops up. It may start at 50% off but sometimes falls to 75% after a few days.  You can usually understand why the stuff is 75% off (Taschen-like books on bottle caps anyone?) but I have found something, although now I can not think of what. Once I came in to the Upper West Side location ( 82nd Street not the late, alas Lincoln Center outpost that has been ravaged and is full of hordes of shoppers) and they had a dollar table where I bought a few books!

New York Deals II

Jack's World, the main location, is just great. Whenever I am in midtown I try to stop off there. On the first floor,  many of the stationary, electronics etc  are not at all worth even looking at, having said that, there are lots of well priced food items, mixed in with great deals on mostly last resort type of food (Challah anyone?). Gift bags, wrapping paper and all sorts of useful things can be found for a dollar or less making these the kind of place I am afraid to walk around with a basket in!

New York Deals

Saving money in New York City isn't easy. Here is one suggestion
Pharmacies in general are horribly expensive. Having said that they have some decent and more then decent sales from time to time. I just saw a 25 pack of 500 ml water bottles for $2.99, which is better then I ever see in Shop-rite in New Jersey (which is another story in itself). What I find the eastist to do and certainly easist on the wallet, is to check their flyer's on their websites. While it is usually annoying to do this, it is not annoying as schlepping there!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Dance to the Music of Time, Done!

I just finished a "Dance to the Music of Time." At this point, forgot some of the character's history's. However, I loved the series.
I loved the way both the narrator's life and the major world events are submerged in the background. I found the books similar to "Men at Arms" and "Brideshead Revisted" but in my opinion much better.