Friday, July 27, 2012

Great to see how Howard Zinn almost made it to, "least credible history book."

Thursday, July 26, 2012

You Will Be Embarrassed About This in 20 Years By Michael Kinsley Just 16 years after a Democratic president signed the fatuously named Defense of Marriage Act, defining marriage in the U.S. as requiring one man and one woman, the debate over gay marriage is over. .. How Whiggish can you get?

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

OLD POLYMATHS NEVER DIE ..they just keep on publishing. Adrian Wooldridge explores the unstoppable legacies of Isaiah Berlin and Hugh Trevor-Roper From INTELLIGENT LIFE magazine, July/August 2012

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Trying to read the new Popular Mechanic. I don't understand why it does not say August on the cover, only 08.12. In addition, the type is so small, about 4 mm on many articles, that I can hardly read it. Another thing, that I have noticed, is that the articles are now printed way to close to the inside of the page. This is really annoying for reading. Perhaps, those Hearst employees are too worried about how it looks on their iPad, to a make a product that someone may actually buy. But remember, it is all the Internet’s fault.It also seems as if they are constantly changing the sections in the beginning (what happened to letters to the editor?) and they seem to think that if they make something take up space we won't realize that there is nothing there. And I love the way that almost every other or is it literally every other page? is a full page ad. I don't think that this a drippy version of Vogue. How is anybody supposed to read this magazine. I give up and I threw it out.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Great quote from this past weekend's Wall Street Journal. 
""We live on an island surrounded by a sea of ignorance. As our island of knowledge grows, so does the shore of our ignorance"
Good quote from this past weekend's Wall Street Journal. 
"Strip away the phony tinsel of Hollywood and you will find the real tinsel underneath. - Oscar Levant

What a piece of self-rightness drivel. I believe not telling the parents about the child may have benn the right thing to do, however this “physician” disgraces himself. It is horrible to see someone in pain, but that does not give us the right to “put them out of their pain.” It must be wonderful to channel the aguish at such a horrible sight, into a self-serving, self-rightness God-playing.  As Voltaire said (not that I know French), “Si Dieu n'existait pas, il faudrait l'inventer,” “if God did not exist, it would be needed to invent him.”  There are some things we cannot do, as if we do, we start playing God, something that (whether you believe in Him or not) is obviously the path to ruin, destruction, and the source of so much historic misery.

Here is a short and interesting interview, from yesterday's Wall Street Journal, with eli j finkel (from that online dating research that Dr. P gave you). Below it is a link to an interesting news website that tracks the online personals “business”.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Funny video from Weird Al

Very interesting article over on The Times of Israel about the voices of the "(not-so) average haredim"
By Gil Student.
A beautiful defense and discussion of text message teshuvot.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Thoughts on "Rightness Among the Nations."
So often we are critical of the millions of Europeans who stood by silently as the Jews were murdered by the Germans with the aid and abettor of  hundreds of thousands of their own countrymen. And in truth there is no excuse for their behavior. However we can ourselves, would we do the same as those few who risked everything to help the Jews? Those “Rightness Among the Nations.” If tomorrow, they will come to round up all the blacks/whites/Spanish/Christians/Albanians, would we answer the call to stand against the world and say no?

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Recently read:

Notes on a Century: Reflections of a Middle East Historian by

Bernard Lewis

How Shelock did it? Moffat, the co-creater of the Sherlock said that there is,", "and there’s one clue that everyone’s missed. It’s something that Sherlock did that was very out of character, but which nobody has picked up on."
--I don't know what this means, as detailed below and elsewhere, there are many out of character things sherlock does. Others have mentioned that the nervous twitch with the ball is strange or that the different views and vantage points of Saint Bart's don't line up. While I can understand that the ball may be Sherlock trying to figure out the vector that he can fall at, I don't see where to got from there. I certainly don't know anything about London.I also hope the answer is not something stupid like he switched places with Molly and she died or he jumped on her and then switched. One thing that occurs to me is that it is obvious is that Sherlock realized that the key code etc is fake as 1) he knows music and 2) why did he ask Moriarty to come to the roof (!) of all places unless he had it all worked out beforehand to stage his death and was trapping Moriarty. He clearly wants the roof. Either way, excluding all the deus ex machina suggestions (and the idea of using a hologram), I have been wondering about all the water on the ground and if he did not somehow use a silver iodide generator (used for cloud seeding) to cushion his fall. Either he had it under his coat or Molly sprayed it out before. That would account for all the water and the short bit of rain afterwards. I believe silver iodide in nature becomes a softish substance, that could cushion his fall. Of course another posiblity would be using either a hologram or "more simpler" (in a macgyver sort of way) would be what is called a percived hologram, like they have in haunted houses. More on both can be found at This may also call for moisture and maybe that is what there is water etc. Now if what fell is only a projection what was out of character? Dropping the phone ( a necessary if switching from real to fake) ? There is moment when he jumps that it seems that he could have a guy wire attached to the antenna behind him.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Recently Read, 

Christ Stopped At Eboli - The Story Of A Year by Carlo Levi

great book

Recently Read, 

When the Going Was Good by Evelyn Waugh

great book