Sunday, July 19, 2020

Torah U’madda and Baruch Spinoza

In an odd way, worldly religious people are the true heirs of Enlightenment thinkers.
Strangely, worldly religious people are the true heirs of Baruch Spinoza. Not because our faith is comprised in some way by his rationalism, but because his place between the worlds of Judaism and Christianity gave him a unique perspective, just like our place between a world of faith and a world of no God allows us to understand the worldview of both the uniquely secular and the completely religious.

This bitter pill is one that neither side would swallow. The secular, stuck in their "rationalism" of their worldview, cannot realize that theirs is also unipolar world. A world with that also has beliefs, “gods,” dogma, sins, and sinners.” No different than the “purely” religious can allow that there are other ways of seeing reality, ways that may have validity, or at least some validity to them.

Only the worldly religious, who doff one hat and then the other, who try to confirm in each environment, can understand this.