Sunday, October 4, 2020

Liberalism’s Success Is Its Enemy or in Pogo's Words, "We Have Met the Enemy and He is Us

Modern Liberalism’s success is also its enemy. Liberalism is a philosophy that is by definition a minority worldview. Being “left” or “liberal” or what some psychologists call “openness” can be a wonderful thing. You are open to experiences and people, can care about them and help them.

This is probably part of Rabbi Asher Weiss’s surprisingly popularity in the modern orthodox community. He is “liberal” or “open” Chardei in stark relief to many other who are not.

However, when the entire establishment is (supposedly) liberal then you are left with a problem. How can you be more open than open? If a door is open ,it is open. You can't be more open that the establishment if you are the establishment? 

This has created the strange world of today. A world where liberalism is the governing philosophy, making it so very difficult for so-called liberals to be more open than that.
Liberals are stuck having to see their "opponents" in as worst a light as possible, as they, the liberals must clearly be reacting against something vile.  Liberals have to avoid discussion and finding common ground with their "opponents," as then they would not be their, "opponents," who the liberals are struggling heroically against.  

Liberals also find themselves on a desperate quest  for new ways to be more "open"as their "opponents," rapidly embrace all those causes that liberals once used to differentiate  themselves. This has shunted the liberals towards some causes that are very strange indeed, not to mention, quite illiberal. 

as their opponents must be worse than them, as they are very open. 

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